Friday, December 23, 2011

DIY Luxury Dog Bed- Part 1

So it seems I'm always working on a project of some sort and I saw an absolutely beautiful dog bed online. After staring at the picture for awhile an idea sprung to life and I had to make one for Max. The dog bed I envisioned used an old console TV, so I searched Craigslist. With the help of sweetheart and some good friends the TV was acquired.

Perfectly good console TV

Then you open the TV up and gut it. Be careful with the tube, which could burst from the vacuum tube. Recycle any components you don't need.

Guts of the TV

Retain the bottom board of the console. Pull the plastic facing from the TV and remove any hardware on the TV. Save the hardware for reassembly.
Guts out

The next step is to paint so move the frame to a paint-friendly space.

Totally dismantled

Stay tuned for when we talk painting and building a custom mattress for your dog bed!


  1. what do you mean the tube can burst? is there a special way to remove it that will be safer than another?

  2. It's glass, just be careful and don't drop it.
